World Construction Symposium – 2013

Call for Papers


Ceylon Institute of Builders (CIOB)

in collaboration with

International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB)


BEMRU, Department of Building Economics, University of Moratuwa

for the

2nd World Construction Symposium 2013

The Ceylon Institute of Builders (CIOB), International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) and Building Economics and Management Research Unit (BEMRU), Department of Building Economics, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka are organising the 2nd World Construction Symposium 2013 from 13th to 15th June, 2013.

Main Theme: Socio-Economic Sustainability in Construction: Practice, Policy and Research

Conference Dates: 13th – 15th June, 2013 

 Venue: Colombo, Sri Lanka

 Symposium Web:

The symposium will provide a special forum for researchers and practitioners in the area sustainable construction worldwide to share their knowledge, experience and research findings.

Authors are invited to submit Abstracts written in English within 250 words relating to symposium main theme and to the following sub themes: 

1.      Green Buildings

2.      Sustainable Urbanisation

3.      Sustainable Construction Practices

4.      Innovative Green Technologies

5.      Sustainable Procurement Strategies

6.      Environmental Economics and Management

7.      Affordable Sustainability

8.      Socio-Economic Sustainability

9.      Sustainable Materials/Green Building Materials

10.  Green Rating and Certification

11.  Energy Management

12.  Legal Aspects Relating to Sustainable Construction

13.  Sustainable Facilities

Abstracts should include the full title of the paper and provide a brief and comprehensive summary of the purpose, content and conclusions of the manuscript with 3-5 key words. Author/s are required to provide their names, affiliations, addresses, e-mail addresses and telephone/fax.

All contributions must be of high quality, original and not published elsewhere or submitted for publication during the review period. A scientific committee will review all papers and each paper will be reviewed by two referees for the purpose of double-blind review process. All accepted papers will be published in the symposium proceedings. Papers will only be accepted on the basis that one of the authors will attend the symposium and present the paper.

Abstract and full papers can be submitted through the symposium secretariat (see contact details provided below). The important deadlines of the symposium are as follows.

Abstract Submission (Extended)

08th March 2013

Notification of Abstract Acceptance

18th March 2013

Full Paper Submission

12th April 2013

Notification of Full Paper Acceptance

10th May 2013

Camera Ready Paper Deadline

24th May 2013

Registration On or Before

24th May 2013

Conference Dates

13th – 15th June 2013

For abstract submission and further enquiries please contact Dr. Yasangika Sandanayake or Dr. Nirodha Fernando through the conference secretariat via:

Mob                     : +94771227269 (Chandanie)
Webpage             :

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