Tekla Structures – Copying and moving objects

Copying and moving objects

Copy creates a new object, leaving the existing object in its original position. Move relocates the existing object. Copy Special and Move Special provide additional options for copying and moving objects.

You can also move the view plane of a selected view. When you move a view, Tekla Structures only uses the vector perpendicular to the view plane.

Limitations                 Tekla Structures does not mirror connection properties, so Mirror does not fully mirror objects

if they include connections that contain, for example, asymmetrically positioned parts.

Duplicate objects When you copy or move objects, Tekla Structures checks for duplicate objects in the location where you are about to copy or move the objects to. Tekla Structures also checks for duplicates if you create new parts in the same location with an existing part.

Tekla Structures considers two objects duplicates if they have the same orientation and the same size of bounding box.
Use the variable XS_DUPLICATE_CHECK_LIMIT_FOR_COPY_AND_MOVE to define the maximum number of objects that are checked for duplicates while copying or moving objects.

If duplicates are found, you can choose whether to keep or delete the duplicate objects.

T This functionality does not apply to objects that you copy by using a modeling tool, such as the Array of Objects (29) component.

To create copies of selected object(s):

1.    Select the objects to copy.

2.     Click the Copy icon, or click Edit > Copy.

3.    Pick the origin for copying.


4. Pick one or more destination points.
The objects are copied immediately. 5. To stop copying, click Edit > Interrupt.
I f you click Edit > Undo, the latest copy operation is undone, but the Copy command remains active.

Tekla Structures copies all objects connected to the objects you copy. Tekla Structures also tries to copy connections. Connections must be surrounded by similar parts to be copied successfully.

TEKLA STRUCTURES 14.0 139 Settings and Tools
To move selected object(s) to a new position:

1.    Select the objects to move.

2.     Click the Move icon, or click Edit > Move.

3.    Pick the origin for moving.

4. Pick the destination point.
The objects are moved immediately. The Move command does not remain active. To move selected object(s) to a new position at a specified distance:

1.    Select the objects to move.

2.     Click Edit > Move.

3.    Pick the origin for moving.

4.    Move the cursor in the direction you want to move the objects, but do not pick the point.

5.    Type in the distance.

When you start typing, Tekla Structures displays the Enter a numeric location dialog box automatically.

6.     Click OK.

140 TEKLA STRUCTURES 14.0 Settings and Tools
T? Tekla Structures also moves the objects connected to the objects you move. For example, if you move points, Tekla Structures also moves the parts or assemblies that use those points.
Copy Special
The Copy Special command provides additional options for copying objects.

1.    Select the objects you want to copy.

2.    Click Edit > Copy Special.

You have the following options:

Command Icon Description
Linear… *i Creates copies of selected object(s) at a specified distance from the original.
Rotate… Creates copies of selected object(s), either rotated around a line you specify on a work plane, or around the work plane z axis.
Mirror… Creates a mirrored copy of selected object(s) through a plane you specify.

Creates a copy of selected object(s) on another plane, which you specify by picking three points.

To Another Plane *
To Another Object Copies selected objects(s) from an object to other, similar objects.
From Another Model… mm Creates a copy of model objects in phases you specify.

Tekla Structures copies all objects connected to the objects you copy. Tekla Structures also tries to copy connections. Connections must be surrounded by similar parts to be copied successfully.

Move Special
The Move Special command provides additional options for moving objects.

1.    Select the objects you want to move.

2.    Click Edit > Move Special.

TEKLA STRUCTURES 14.0 141 Settings and Tools
You have the following options:
Command Icon Description


Moves selected object(s) to a new position at a specified distance from the original.


Rotates selected object(s) either around a line you specify on a work plane, or around the work plane z axis.
Mirror… -i- Mirrors selected object(s) using a line you specify.

To Another Plane

fl* Moves selected object(s) to another plane, which you specify by picking three points.
To Another Object Moves selected object(s) from an object to another, similar object.
Tekla Structures also moves the objects connected to the objects you move. For example, if you move points, Tekla Structures also moves the parts or assemblies that use those points.
Drag and Drop
You can move and copy objects using drag-and-drop.

1.    Click Tools > Options > Drag and Drop to activate it.

2.    Select the object to move or copy.

3.    You have the following options:

fl) To move the part, drag it to the new position

f2J To copy the part, hold down the Ctrl key and drag it to the new position

f3J To move the part end, click the handle and drag it to the new position

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